Freedom to Roam

With PROVEN Travel Hassle-free There and Back

Reclaim Your Life

Join our Community of People Keeping People Safe

Get Back Out There

Let PROVEN Open Your Door to the World

Take That Vacation

With PROVEN there is no Reason to Stay Home

Go to a Concert

Easy Access to Venues Everywhere

Get Your PROVEN Pass Today

As a PROVEN member, you keep your vaccine status private, but your COVID-19 status is ready to be verified whenever you need. Sign up today.

What is PROVEN

PROVEN is so much more than a vaccine passport. PROVEN is the universal COVID-19 Health Tool that can be used by everyone – vaccinated or not – to show your current COVID status wherever you go… right from your phone. Easy, fast, convenient.

No one needs to know if you’ve been vaccinated or not… they just need to know you’re safe to join the crowd.

PROVEN is a unique digital tool that verifies everyone while keeping all of us safer as we roam the world… or just our own neighborhood.

It is safe, secure and easy-to-use. Just as your life should be.

How PROVEN Works

Joining PROVEN is easy, using PROVEN is even easier


Create your profile
answer a few questions

Upload your vaccine certificate
test results

You are now free
to roam about the

Upload Certificate and Go


Who We Are

PROVEN was created during the COVID-19 outbreak as a way to keep the world and the economy safely in motion throughout the pandemic, through future pandemics and other biological threats that will likely come along. Now we can be PROVEN.

PROVEN Helps Businesses, Governments, and Schools Return to Normal

COVID-19 and all of its variants are still circling the globe and even with the vaccine, will be for some time. The next pandemic is likely around the corner. The time is NOW for us to embrace this new normal and be prepared in advance to keep our employees, students and customers safe. PROVEN allows us all to return to normal from whatever we face … faster, safer and more confident than ever.

Can your business survive without it?

We are All PROVEN

Working together keeps us all safe

More Than a Vaccine Passport

PROVEN is the universal mobile app COVID certificate that gives back our freedom to roam.

PROVEN Community

PROVEN lets us all stay safe when we go out into the world


Joining PROVEN is easy, using PROVEN, even easier

Partner With Us

International governments, large corporations, tourism councils, schools and other organizations around the world trust PROVEN to help them reopen safely after COVID-19.

They recognize that the simple, cost-effective technology offered by PROVEN – which allows participants to quickly and easily prove their COVID status in public venues — is not only increasing the safety of everyone they deal with, and allowing them to return to business, but it is increasing the safety of everyone they deal with and allowing them to return to business.

These PROVEN professionals, officials and business leaders know that PROVEN is ready to face the next international virus or biological threat that will require an immediate, cohesive, technology-forward response to keep businesses and the economy moving while the country and Globe respond.

Contact us today for partnership information!

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